
Child Vaccinations
We have regular child vaccination clinics across the week with our Practice Nurse’s.
First set of vaccinations are after your child has received a 6-8 week check.
Please complete the below form prior to your Childs Vaccination Appointment:
Please note: When a relative, e.g. grandparent, brings a child to a vaccination appointment, they are required to bring with them a letter of consent for the vaccination to be given, from the parent/guardian who has legal responsibility for the child, before the vaccination/s can be administered.
Please scroll down for Travel Vaccination information.

Travel Vaccinations
Godolphin health provides a Travel health service as part of its contract. This includes NHS vaccines such as Diptheria, Polio, Tetnus, Typhoid, Cholera and Hepatitis A.
We do not provide private vaccines such as Rabies, Hepatits B, Yellow fever, Meningococcal vaccine ACWY, Japanese Encephalitis and Tickborne Encephalitis. These will need to be sourced from a Private travel clinic such as:
- Boots Hayle or Fraddon Travel vaccinations & health advice service – Boots
- Aquamarine Health clinic Plymouth
Antimalarials can be sourced from any pharmacy or the travel centres above (There will be a fee for these).
We will not accept any travel consultation with 6 weeks or less before travel. This allows us to make appropriate follow up appointments, order vaccines and signpost where appropriate and allow time for full immunity.
A 20-minute phone call will be made to discuss travel plans initially and then appointments will be made with the clinician for the vaccines if needed. You will be sent a questionnaire prior to the appointment via text message/ email or will be asked to fill out a paper copy. This allows a more structured assessment for travel.
Please have a look at for the recommended vaccines of each country and top tips on travelling.
We look forward to seeing you!